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Millican Nurseries, LLC

Tagging and Cancellation Policy


Who can tag for your company?

Appointments must be made in order to tag. Only individuals employed or authorized by your company may tag plant material on your behalf. A signed tagging authorization form listing the people you elect to tag for your company must be on file before we will allow them to tag plant material on your behalf. Your company will be responsible for all plant material tagged by those authorized individuals. Tagging plants is a commitment by you to purchase. Cancelling an order that is tagged may incur a CANCELLATION and/or RESTOCKING fee.

Under NO circumstances will we allow your clients to visit the nursery or to tag plant material on your behalf. An authorized representative of your company MUST be present.


Deposits will not be refunded on cancelled orders.
Cancelled orders without deposits are subject to a 10% fee.
Tagged plants removed from orders are subject to a 5% fee.
Orders cancelled within 48 hours of pick-up or delivery will be charged a 15% fee.

We will hold plants on sales orders for 30 days. Early season sales orders placed between January 1 and May 31 will be held until June 30th to allow for plant arrival.

Beginning June 30th all orders aged over 30 days will require a 25% non-refundable deposit to continue to hold plants. Should a deposit not be received within 7 days of due date, the order will be cancelled and released back into inventory for sale. A CANCELLATION FEE of 10% will charged.

By December 1st, all outstanding orders must be scheduled for pick up or delivery. Deposits will be forfeited on any cancelled orders.

The plants originally tagged and/or placed on order will be the plants you receive. Depending on the length of time plants have been held at the nursery, plant condition can change. Understand that above-ground plant material is perishable. Some plants will do better than others. We will not substitute for condition. It is possible a plant could die in the row, or in rare instances, be damaged during nursery operations. Should a plant be lost or damaged we will do what we can to replace it should another be available.
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